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nobody is more dedicated than me
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i am the most ACTIVE person on faliroutboyvid and you listen to me right here, yeah im better. thats right i'm better. better at what you ask, better at doing the falloutboyvid. most people wanna be ballerinas bubt i want to be a falloutboyvider and thats what im gonna do! thats right, screw anything yo mama told ya the real way to achieve greatness is by joining the flairoutboyvider website and becomigna  flairoutboyvider. im running out of time i need to say a few more things though. there is two pieces in my dresser and you need to decipher them before december 2026. the notes say something along the lines of either government secrets or horny fanfics about allanbuzzy's characters and i refuse to tell you which one it is thats because im just better than you. In approximately 30 years there will be nothing left but the falloutboyvid and you wish you would have listened to me and that allanbuzzy furry fanfic. that's right YOU BAFOON!

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